The first time Mary and I talked about Alaska was 1970. We were 22 and 20 and living in southern California, riding motorcycles, laying on the beach and thinking about buying land somewhere to build a cabin, grow a garden and raise some animals. We narrowed it down to Maine or Alaska, with nothing in between. The Brooks Range in Alaska was far and unfamiliar, Maine was unknown but also close to family.
We chose Maine, but the desire to visit Alaska has always been on our list of places to see. I’ve had opportunities to go by motorcycle or we could have gone by camper van, but experiencing Alaska by water seemed to be the ideal way to go.
This was our 14 day cruise route. (All links are in Yellow. They will link you to more info )
Alaska 2018

We arrived in Seattle a day early and didn’t need to board the ship until early afternoon the next day. So we played busy tourists: Pikes Peak Market, Chihuly Garden and Glass, Space Needle and the Seattle Public Library and dinner at Etta’s.